Running A Computer Repair Business

How to Be Successful When Giving a Video Deposition

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Do you have to give a video deposition in the future regarding a lawsuit, and feel unprepared about it? You’ll want to know the following tips that will ensure that you do everything the right way. Dress Appropriately  Depositions for the longest time have typically been done in an office rather than a courtroom. However, COVID-19 has brought the need for technology to be brought into the process, and video depositions are becoming more common so that people can provide a deposition from the comfort of their homes. Read More»

Why Have A Cyber Security Assessment?

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If cyber criminals target your organization, then you could have a lot of damage to repair. You might need to shut your operations down for a time if your systems are affected. Your remedial repair and replacement costs could be high, and you might be liable for damage costs if the attack compromises customer data and information. If you haven’t yet set up a formal cyber security plan, then you should consider hiring specialists to run a security assessment on your business. Read More»

What Types Of Things Will A Managed IT Service Monitor For?

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You might have heard of other businesses successfully using IT management services, and you could be thinking about hiring one of these companies to help your business, too. You might have heard that these services are great for monitoring for problems and addressing these problems when they pop up, but you could be wondering what types of problems they will watch out for. This is a short list of things that your managed IT service will probably monitor. Read More»

Understanding The Attack Surface In Cloud Computing Security

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Folks involved in cloud computing security knowledge training are often taught to think about the attack surface. It represents the sum of all the ways a hostile party might try to access or control a system. Anyone trying to secure the cloud needs to understand what the attack surface looks like in a distributed world. More Attack Surface Cloud-based solutions tend to have greater attack surfaces. Some of this is inherent to the distributed nature of the cloud. Read More»

3 Ways To Improve Your Home Security When You Have Young Children

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With young children, you really never know what could happen. One second your little one could be happily playing with their favorite toy, and the next second they could be making a dash for the front door as you turn around to grab their drink for them. Young children are naturally curious explorers, which means you need to think about security a little differently with young children in your home. Here are three ways to improve your home security when you have young children. Read More»