Running A Computer Repair Business

3 Benefits Of Investing In Day Trading Software

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If you are like many people, you might have heard of trading stocks, but you might have never actually done it. However, day trading with the right software program can actually be a very beneficial thing that you might just want to look into. These are a few benefits of investing in day trading software. 1. Make Money Without Working a Traditional Job In today’s world, finding a job can be difficult. Read More»

Tips For Making Your Phone's Battery Last Longer

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There’s nothing more frustrating than realizing that your phone is going to die and not being able to charge it. It means that you might not be able to hail a ride home as easily as you would like or split a ride using an app. It means that you won’t be able to play games, read articles, listen to music or podcasts, or order food. All of these things can make your life less comfortable. Read More»

Six Things You Can Do To Avoid Electromagnetic Problems With PCBs

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One of the biggest challenges of designing and choosing a good PCB for your application is acquiring units that avoid compatibility and interference issues that arise from electromagnetic properties.  System design engineers often struggle with electromagnetic obstacles, but you can avoid such problems with your PCBs by keeping the following six things in mind: Use PCBs that feature compartmentalized electromagnetic interference features PCBs should be compartmentalized by having the analog circuitry handled separately from the digital circuitry. Read More»

Tips For Caring For Your Office Printer

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Your company’s printer can suffer intense wear and tear over the course of each day. This can contribute to the printer suffering numerous malfunctions that could lead to disruptions for your business, but you can avoid these issues through the following printer care tips. Limit Printing Authorizations One of the best ways of reducing the wear and tear on your printer is to limit the number of people that can use. Read More»

2 Home Technology Services That Are Must-Haves For The Holiday Season

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Over the years, technology has made the holiday season easier – the ability to buy those holiday gifts online has eliminated much of the holiday shopping stress you likely once endured when you had to fight for parking spots and wait in long lines to purchase the “must-have” toys of the year, and those single-serve coffee machines allow you to please every guest at your holiday parties by providing them with the hot beverages they love. Read More»